System Security

Showing 1-9 of 10 results


University of Minnesota Linux Ban Prompts Questions About Open Source

Researchers snuck vulnerabilities past the peer-review process and into the open-source Linux kernel codebase. What does this mean for the ubiquitous Linux kernel, and open source in general?

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Michael J. McDonald

Michael J. McDonald

Keep It Encrypted, Keep It Safe: Working with ESNI, DoH, and DoT

Internet privacy’s cutting-edge technology includes encrypted server name indication (ESNI) and encrypted DNS in the form of DNS over HTTPS (DoH). Find out what they are, why they exist, and how they work.

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Brian Wojtczak

Brian Wojtczak

Performance and Efficiency: Working with HTTP/3

HTTP/3 is on the horizon, but many aren’t even familiar with HTTP/2 yet. Find out what HTTP/3 means for web development, administration, and the internet.

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Brian Wojtczak

Brian Wojtczak

Changelog: The OWASP Top 10 Project

The de facto standard for web application security is the Open Web Application Security Project’s Top 10 Project. It lists the ten most prevalent security threats based on an extensive amount of data and community feedback and was updated in late 2017.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Full-stack and System Security Developer Hrvoje Gazibara discusses the changes to the OWASP Top 10’s most recent revision by illustrating new vulnerabilities, and even some that were removed.

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Hrvoje Gazibara

Hrvoje Gazibara

Getting the Most Out of Your PHP Log Files: A Practical Guide

Log files may very well be one of the most underestimated and underutilized tools at a developer’s disposal. Beyond their value for debugging, with a bit of creativity and forethought, logs files can be leveraged to serve as a valuable source of usage information and analytics. In this article, In this article, Toptal engineer Ilya Sanosyan provides a practical guide to maximizing the value we get from our logs.

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Ilya Sanosian

Ilya Sanosian

JSON Web Token Tutorial: An Example in Laravel and AngularJS

Authentication is one of the most important parts of any web application. For decades, cookies and server-based authentication was the easiest solution. However, handling authentication in modern Mobile and Single Page Applications can be tricky and demand a better approach. One of the best known solutions to authentication problems for APIs is the JSON Web Token (JWT).

16 minute readContinue Reading
Tino Tkalec

Tino Tkalec

Separation Anxiety: A Tutorial for Isolating Your System with Linux Namespaces

Linux namespaces make it possible to run a whole range of applications on a single real machine and ensure no two of them can interfere with each other, without having to resort to using virtual machines. In a single-user computer, a single system environment may be fine. But on a server, where you may want to run multiple services, it is essential to security and stability that the services are as isolated from each other as possible.

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Mahmud Ridwan

Mahmud Ridwan

10 Common Web Security Vulnerabilities

Don’t wait for a data breach to happen before making security a priority. This article explains how to set up a proactive web app defense and avoid the top 10 most common security pitfalls.

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Toptal Talent Network Experts

Fixing the “Heartbleed” OpenSSL Bug: A Tutorial for Sys Admins

A potentially critical problem, nicknamed “Heartbleed”, has surfaced in the widely-used OpenSSL cryptographic library. The vulnerability is particularly dangerous in that potentially critical data can be leaked and the attack leaves no trace.

As a user, chances are that sites you frequent regularly are affected and your data may have been compromised. As a developer or sys admin, sites or servers you’re responsible for are likely to have been affected.

Here are the key facts you need to know about this dangerous bug and how to mitigate your vulnerability.

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