
Showing 106-112 of 115 results


Apple Watch in a Nutshell: A Feature Introduction for iOS Developers

Apple has released a fully functional WatchKit and SDK that enables iOS developers with all the tools to start building their Apple Watch applications.

This article provides quick overview of the Apple Watch functionalities from a developers perspective.

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Antonio Bello

Antonio Bello

Versatile professional with 20+ years experience in a variety of technologies, today focusing mostly on iOS, Swift, Objective C and backend

Mirror API Tutorial: Google Glass for Web Developers

Wouldn’t it be great to develop for Google Glass without learning a new programming language, and even by just using knowledge common to all web developers? Yes, it is possible!

This article will introduce you to web development techniques you can use to build application used on Google Glass.

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Demir Selmanovic

Demir Selmanovic

Demir is a developer and project manager with over 15 years of professional experience in a wide range of software development roles.

Learning Swift Programming: Is it Ready for Prime Time?

Since Apple’s launch of Swift this past June, many iOS developers have been struggling with the question of if, how, and when to transition from Objective-C to Swift. This article explores some important points to consider before jumping into Swift development.

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Joshua Ballanco

Joshua Ballanco

Joshua is an architect, engineer, and scientist with experience building large-scale systems. He’s worked for Apple and AOL.

An iOS Developer’s Guide: From Objective-C to Learning Swift

After 6 years of improving and working on Objective-C, Apple decided to throw another challenge at developers. Once again, iOS developers will need to learn a new programming language: Swift.

Swift 1.0 is already a stable and strong development platform, which is sure to evolve in interesting ways over the coming years. It is a perfect moment to start exploring this new language, as it is the future of iOS development.

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Marco Mustapic

Marco Mustapic

Marco is a Senior iOS developer specializing in game development with a particular affinity for coding conceptually original apps.

A Tutorial for Aspiring Google Glass Developers: Building Your First Glass App

Google Glass promises to revolutionize how we use our devices to interact with the world. But from a developer’s standpoint, what is so special about developing for the Glass? You’ll be glad to know that the answer is “Nothing!” Here’s a step-by-step tutorial that walks you through developing your first Google Glass app.

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Demir Selmanovic

Demir Selmanovic

Demir is a developer and project manager with over 15 years of professional experience in a wide range of software development roles.

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iOS User Interfaces: Storyboards vs. NIBs vs. Custom Code

I often hear iOS developers ask some variant of the same key question: “What’s the best way to develop a UI in iOS: through Storyboards, NIBs, or code?”

Answers to this question, explicitly or implicitly, tend to assume that there’s a mutually exclusive choice to be made, one that is often addressed upfront, before development.

I’m of the opinion that there’s no single choice to be made. Rather, each option has its strengths and weaknesses—and there’s no need to use any one of them in isolation.

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Antonio Bello

Antonio Bello

Versatile professional with 20+ years experience in a variety of technologies, today focusing mostly on iOS, Swift, Objective C and backend

Mobile App Development vs. Mobile Web Development: When, Why, and How

Mobile web development—optimizing web apps for mobile devices—is necessary for modern apps. Discover the best methods and tools for the development of highly functional, intuitive, and easy-to-use mobile web apps.

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Tomas Agrimbau

Tomas Agrimbau

Tomas is a seasoned web developer proficient in both front-end and back-end development with PHP. He excels in responsive web design.

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Gabriel Courtemanche

Gabriel is a highly efficient and reliable professional who possesses a broad skill set for web application development. He's been working on a range of products and clients—from working on scalability problems in production engineering teams at Shopify and Autodesk to launching new applications for startups. Most of his work consists of leading technical teams, by creating an easy development environment, fixing technical debts, providing best practices code examples, and mentoring devs.
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