
Showing 1-9 of 93 results


Next.js Rendering Techniques: How to Optimize Page Speed

Next.js is best known for server-side rendering, but these innovative strategies can help developers configure web apps for more speed, reduced server load, improved SEO, and much more.

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Subhakar Tikkireddy

Subhakar Tikkireddy

Reusable State Management With RxJS, React, and Custom Libraries

Discover a powerful RxJS and React approach that adds state management to single-page applications. RxJS provides an elegant, succinct, and comfortable implementation for developers that becomes more effective with custom libraries.

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Mark Evans

Mark Evans

The Secret Behind Steady App Performance: Asynchronous JavaScript

JavaScript’s default synchronous methods can freeze an application, scaring off end users. Here’s how you can leverage asynchronous JavaScript techniques to increase control over front-end responsiveness.

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Muhammad Ammar Ilyas

Muhammad Ammar Ilyas

The 10 Most Common JavaScript Issues Developers Face

At first, JavaScript may seem quite simple. Yet the language is significantly more nuanced, powerful, and complex than one would initially be led to believe. Many of JavaScript’s subtleties lead to a number of common problems—10 of which we discuss here—that keep code from behaving as intended. It’s important to be aware of and avoid these pitfalls in one’s quest to become a master JavaScript developer.

13 minute readContinue Reading
Ryan J. Peterson

Ryan J. Peterson

TypeScript vs. JavaScript: Your Go-to Guide

Considering you can include as much plain JavaScript as you like in your TypeScript project, what factors should you consider when choosing TypeScript for your application? Let’s explore.

10 minute readContinue Reading
Daniele Monesi

Daniele Monesi

Using Express.js Routes for Promise-based Error Handling

Maintainable Express.js code after scaling means making common code more feature-rich while reducing boilerplate. Find out how to enable promise-based route code and centralize both error handling and normal-results handling in Express.js apps.

8 minute readContinue Reading
Vitaly Senko

Vitaly Senko

WebAssembly/Rust Tutorial: Pitch-perfect Audio Processing

WebAssembly gives near-native performance to web apps and allows languages other than JavaScript—plus their libraries—to be used on the web. This tutorial leverages Rust and the Web Audio API to make a basic guitar tuner app that runs at 60 FPS, even on mobile.

24 minute readContinue Reading
Peter Suggate

Peter Suggate

The Definitive Guide to DateTime Manipulation

Time and date manipulation is notoriously difficult. Developers encountering time zone rules, leap seconds, differences in locale-specific formatting are wise to resort to popular time and date manipulation libraries. But without thinking about how exactly they work, it’s still easy to create all sorts of obscure bugs.

23 minute readContinue Reading
Punit Jajodia

Punit Jajodia

Creating a Secure REST API in Node.js

As patterns go, REST APIs are so useful and ubiquitous that every web developer, regardless of language or platform, should know how to build them.

In this article, Toptal JavaScript Developer Marcos Henrique da Silva shows how to create a simple and secure REST API for user management on Node.js.

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Marcos Henrique da Silva

Marcos Henrique da Silva

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