
Showing 57-63 of 115 results


Xamarin Forms, MVVMCross, and SkiaSharp: The Holy Trinity of Cross-Platform App Development

Developing a mobile app for multiple platforms can be quite costly. Implementing the same functionalities in multiple programming languages and dealing with a plethora of unique libraries for each platform requires a massive amount of time and knowledge.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Sylvain Gravel talks about Xamarin and its companion technologies that let you build mobile applications for multiple platforms without compromising familiarity, performance, and uniqueness.

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Sylvain Gravel

Sylvain Gravel

As a cross-platform C# specialist, he has worked on mobile and desktop apps from the start in the entertainment, health and sport industry.

How to Simplify Concurrency with Reactive Modelling on Android

Dealing with concurrency in Android through imperative-style programming can be quite the hassle. RxJava, a library for reactive and functional style programming, allows concurrency constructs to be modeled in a reactive way in Android’s non-reactive world.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Christopher Arriola shows us how RxJava can be incrementally introduced to existing Android projects and leveraged to simplify concurrency.

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Christopher Arriola

Christopher Arriola

Christopher is a mobile engineer with 7+ years of experience creating native Android and iOS applications.

A Guide to CloudKit: How to Sync User Data Across iOS Devices

Modern mobile application development requires a well thought-out plan for keeping user data in sync across various devices. This is a thorny problem with many gotchas and pitfalls, but users expect the feature and expect it to work well. For iOS and macOS, Apple provides a robust toolkit, called CloudKit API, which allows developers targeting Apple platforms to solve this synchronization problem.

In this article, Toptal Software Engineer Paul Young demonstrate how to use CloudKit to keep a user’s data in sync between multiple clients.

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Paul Young

Paul Young

Paul’s been a developer for nearly three decades, working with many tech stacks but with a focus on Apple. He loves solving hard problems.

How to Write Automated Tests for iOS

In this tutorial, you will learn how automated testing works for the iOS platform and how to implement it in your project.

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Josip Petrić

Josip Petrić

Josip has developed a keen sense for building scalable, maintainable, and user-friendly applications. His platform of choice is iOS.

Ionic 2 vs. Ionic 1: Performance Gains, New Tools, and a Big Step Forward

The Ionic project is rapidly gaining in popularity and is one of the most popular open source projects worldwide. With the recent announcement of the stable version of Ionic 2, this is the perfect time to underscore the Ionic 2 and its predecessor.

In this post, Toptal software engineer Julien Renaux outlines the major changes Ionic 2 brought to the platform and explains how to put these new features to good use.

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Julien Renaux

Julien Renaux

Scrum Master Julien (MCS) is a front-end mobile dev who’s worked for startups and enterprises like eBay, and even the French space agency.

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Swift Tutorial: An Introduction to the MVVM Design Pattern

On every new project, you have the privilege of deciding how you’ll architect the app and organize the code. But if you don’t pay attention, or you rush through coding, you risk ending up with spaghetti code. The solution? Use a proper design pattern.

In this tutorial, Toptal Software Engineer Dino Bartošak explains how to implement an MVVM design pattern on a demo Swift application.

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Dino Bartošak

Dino Bartošak

Dino is a software engineer specializing in iOS programming clean code and clean architecture, building iOS apps from scratch and custom UI.

Realm Is the Best Android Database Solution

Since the inception of the platform, Android developers have had pretty much only one option for a database: SQLite. Although feature-rich and powerful, it wasn’t quite what Android app developers needed. Realm, a modern, efficient database solution for mobile platforms, turned out to be an amazing replacement for SQLite on Android.

In this article, Toptal Software Engineer Mateus Gondim Romão Batista explains why you should use Realm for your next Android application.

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Mateus Gondim Romão Batista

Mateus Gondim Romão Batista

With nearly a decade of Java experience, Mateus (BCompSc) has done web projects using Python, Django, and JS, lately focusing on Android.

Toptal Engineering Expert

Gabriel Courtemanche

Gabriel is a highly efficient and reliable professional who possesses a broad skill set for web application development. He's been working on a range of products and clients—from working on scalability problems in production engineering teams at Shopify and Autodesk to launching new applications for startups. Most of his work consists of leading technical teams, by creating an easy development environment, fixing technical debts, providing best practices code examples, and mentoring devs.
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