Showing 1-9 of 14 results


Solving Bottlenecks With SQL Indexes and Partitions

Indexes and partitioning can help with SQL performance, but they’re not cure-alls. Through everyday examples of date range and LIKE queries, find out how to “think like an RDBMS” to make yours run faster.

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Mirko Marović

Mirko Marović

SQL Indexes Explained, Pt. 2

Sorting a table can make some queries faster—but the maintenance cost is untenable. Enter real database indexes and their most common implementation structure: the B-tree.

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Mirko Marović

Mirko Marović

SQL Indexes Explained, Pt. 1

Properly used, an SQL database index can be so effective that it might seem like magic. But the following series of exercises will show that underneath, the logic of most SQL indexes—and wielding them correctly—is quite straightforward.

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Mirko Marović

Mirko Marović

Oracle to SQL Server and SQL Server to Oracle Migration Guide - Pt. 3

Migrating in either direction between Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database? Code migration tools, public synonyms, and change management are important to keep in mind.

14 minute readContinue Reading
Leonid Draginsky

Leonid Draginsky

Oracle to SQL Server and SQL Server to Oracle Migration Guide - Pt. 2

Migrating in either direction between Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database? This round of pitfalls to avoid includes coverage of sequences, identity columns, and filtered indexes.

8 minute readContinue Reading
Leonid Draginsky

Leonid Draginsky

Oracle to SQL Server and SQL Server to Oracle Migration Guide

Migrating in either direction between Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database? There are some significant pitfalls to be aware of…

11 minute readContinue Reading
Leonid Draginsky

Leonid Draginsky

An Intro to SQL Window Functions

SQL window functions are calculation functions similar to aggregate functions but, unlike normal aggregate functions like “group by,” have access to individual rows and can even add some of their attributes into the result set.

In this article, Toptal Freelance SQL Developer Neal Barnett explains the benefits of SQL functions, describes when you’d use them, and gives you real examples to help with the concepts.

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Neal Barnett

Neal Barnett

Three Principles of Data Warehouse Development

Data warehouses aren’t exactly a new concept, but industry demand for data science services, coupled with the rise of AI and machine learning, is making them more relevant than ever.

In this post, Toptal Data Warehouse Developer Chamitha Wanaguru outlines three basic principles you need to keep in mind when developing a new data warehouse.

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Chamitha Wanaguru

Chamitha Wanaguru

Guide to Data Synchronization in Microsoft SQL Server

Sharing related information among isolated systems has become increasingly important. There are many methods to choose from to perform that task for SQL Server, but it’s important to know which is better for each use case.

12 minute readContinue Reading
Andrej Gajdos

Andrej Gajdos

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