
Showing 1-2 of 2 results


C Corp, S Corp, LLC? Finding the Best Fit for Your New Business

Figuring out what type of business entity matches your new company’s needs is challenging. Choose wrong, and you could find yourself unable to grow your company the way you want to. Toptal finance expert Scott Hoover, a seasoned CPA and interim CFO, shows how to make the right decision.

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Scott Hoover

Scott Hoover

Accounting Best Practices Ignored: 10 Ways Entrepreneurs Waste Money on Accounting and Stifle Growth

In this article, Toptal Finance Expert Scott Hoover runs through a useful list of the top ten most common mistakes he encounters with respect to the accounting practice in small businesses. By avoiding these mistakes, entrepreneurs can ensure they stop wasting money and stifling the growth prospects of their company.

13 minute readContinue Reading
Scott Hoover

Scott Hoover

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