Design Leads

Showing 1-7 of 7 results
DesignIcon ChevronDesigner Life

Why Design Teams Need Psychological Safety

By Alejandro Velasco

What is psychological safety, and why do your designers need it? Digital designer Alejandro Velasco explains how to create a workplace environment that increases creativity, productivity, and talent retention.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

How to Give Professional Design Feedback

By John Challis

When delivered well, constructive design feedback improves the design process and boosts team culture. Four professional designers discuss how to handle design feedback and collaborate productively.

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DesignIcon ChevronDesigner Life

How to Make the Remote Work Transition With Ease

By Cameron Chapman

A sudden transition to remote work can be challenging. Adopting an iterative approach, maintaining strong communities, and setting up a home office that’s built for productivity are keys to success.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

How to Work Remotely When It Matters Most

By Micah Bowers

Remote work isn’t a novelty, it’s the natural progression of our tech-driven world. We’re sharing nine timely tips for working remotely. Done right, there’s no better way to design.

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DesignIcon ChevronDesign Process

Partners in Design: A Guide to Client Empathy

By Jay Oldaker

Being empathetic is not a selective practice. Designers know how to use empathy to uncover the behaviors and needs of a user. Those same methods and techniques can be used in client relationships.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Prominent E-commerce Trends and Their Influence on Design (with Infographic)

By Miklos Philips

Many exciting trends in e-commerce are on the horizon, from AI and AR to chatbots and voice ordering. The future of e-commerce will be shaped by trailblazing tech and savvy UX design (with infographic).

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DesignIcon ChevronDesign Process

Collaborative Design: A Guide to Successful Enterprise Product Design

By Andi Omtvedt

For designers, working in enterprise is a challenge because of all the different stakeholders and moving parts. This guide reviews the collaborative design process for working better in that environment.

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