Cash Flow

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
FinanceIcon ChevronProfitability and Efficiency

The New Risk Management Playbook: Black Swans and the Rise of Scenario Analysis

By Michael J. McDonald

Want a risk management strategy that fosters resilience and reveals new opportunities? Shift your focus from predicting events to preparing for impacts.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

How to Build a Basic Python Cash Flow Model for a Loan

By Miklos Lukacs, CFA

Python has taken the financial programming world by storm, and demand for finance experts who can use it is soaring. Here, a Toptal finance professional and Python expert shows beginners how to build a loan payment cash flow model with Python.

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FinanceIcon ChevronProfitability and Efficiency

Cash Flow Optimization: How Small and Medium Businesses Can Unlock Value and Manage Risk

By Emilio Parente

Cash flow optimization requires a disciplined approach that anticipates liquidity shocks and allocates windfalls strategically in order to maximize opportunity.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

How to Prepare a Cash Flow Statement Model That Actually Balances

By Pierre-Alexandre Heurtebize

When a cash flow statement model doesn’t balance, it can cause immense frustration and wasted time. The root cause of this problem most commonly resides in models being built with inconsistent and contradictory data sources.

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