Financial Strategy Consultants

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
FinanceIcon ChevronProfitability and Efficiency

Going Global: A Financial Guide for International Expansion

By Ekaterine (Kate) Papiashvili, ACCA, FMVA

Offshoring can help a company reduce overhead and minimize fixed costs. Whether you’re looking to open an overseas branch or outsource to cross-border contractors, here’s what you need to consider.

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FinanceIcon ChevronProfitability and Efficiency

How Freelance Finance Consultants Are Beating Big Firms

By Michael Ng

Freelance finance consultants are delivering high-quality results for clients at a lower cost than traditional consulting firms. How do they manage to do it? One of Toptal’s most in-demand finance freelancers, Michael Ng, explains how freelancers are able to outdo their more established competitors when it comes to communication, expertise, and ROI.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

Building a Business Continuity Plan

By Jeffrey Fidelman

When a disaster interrupts your business operations, a well-thought-out continuity plan can help keep your business afloat. Here are five steps you can take to protect your company from becoming one of the 40% of businesses that close up for good in the aftermath of a disaster.

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FinanceIcon ChevronFinance Processes

Reorganizing for Survival: Building Scenarios

By Natasha Ketabchi

In the “new normal,” how should business leaders ensure that their business is well-equipped to survive and then thrive? Scenario analysis is a handy tool: How are scenarios built and translated into financial projections?

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