People and Teams

Showing 29-32 of 32 results


A Complete Guide on How to Seamlessly Take Over an Existing Project

As project managers, we are sometimes tasked with taking over a project in progress. In this guide, we will outline how to plan a project takeover and execute it flawlessly. Use the included project manager checklist for your upcoming projects.

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Luciano Castro

Luciano Castro

Luciano is a business-driven manager with over 15 years of experience as a CTO and CEO in multinational companies and startups.

Project Management Evolution: Startups vs. Enterprises

Startups play poker, large companies play chess. In this article, we compare and contrast project management for startups with enterprise project management. Different challenges and opportunities arise in both settings. The best project managers should be able to utilize their skill sets to achieve the maximum results in both environments.

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Vytas Butkus

Vytas Butkus

Vytas is a professional project and product manager leading products and projects in advertising technology, 3D graphics, and eCommerce.

Saving Product X: A Design Thinking Case Study

Have you ever wondered if you can apply design thinking principles with a limited time and budget? If so, check out this in-depth Design Thinking use case, which details how Design Thinking helped a company to save its product.

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Luciano Castro

Luciano Castro

Luciano is a business-driven manager with over 15 years of experience as a CTO and CEO in multinational companies and startups.

You Need a Hero: The Project Manager

For every tech project or business, there’s inevitably the “client” and the “programmer”. Sometimes they make it work between themselves, but often someone has to step in to establish the ground rules, keep everyone honest, and facilitate communication between all parties.

This someone, this hero, is the project manager.

In this entertaining article, Ethan James gives his insights as to why you, the developer, and you, the client, should invest in a project manager… or at least employ the techniques outlined.

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Ethan James

Ethan James

Ethan is a passionate Javascript developer who writes clean, semantic HTML5 and CSS3 and is as responsive as the sites he builds.

Toptal Project Management Expert

Marco De Stefano

Marco started out as a software developer but moved on to more suitable roles—scrum master and Agile project manager—which he’s been successfully occupying for over the past decade. His technical background and business-oriented mindset facilitate effective communication with development teams and with different business stakeholders. Recently in his latest projects, he also works as an Agile coach to foster scrum adoption.
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