Creative Direction

Showing 10-17 of 17 results
DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Product Strategy: A Guide to Core Concepts and Processes

By Tanya Junell

In this age of lean startups, designers often find themselves in stretch roles where they are in charge not only of a product’s design but also of coming up with the type of product to build.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

Master Hot Design Trends with These Photoshop Tutorials

By Miklos Philips

Visual design experiments often become popular design trends and suddenly they are seen everywhere. Here are a number of hot graphic design trends and some of the top tutorials on how to create them.

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DesignIcon ChevronDesign Process

Creativity Exercises to Boost Your Designs

By Bree Chapin

Here are a few exercises that can help get your creative juices flowing, whether you’re trying to get started on a new project or find yourself stuck in a creative rut.

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DesignIcon ChevronBrand Design

Presentation Design and the Art of Visual Storytelling

By Micah Bowers

Discover a practical approach to designing results-oriented presentations and learn the importance of crafting a compelling narrative.

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DesignIcon ChevronBrand Design

Brand Illustration 101: Visualizing the Narrative

By Micah Bowers

A brand is a promise. This article outlines how illustrations are being used to express brand value and how businesses are investing substantial time and resources into extensive brand illustration systems.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Why Startups Need a Styleguide

By Benoît Chabert

The top five reasons why creating a styleguide early is especially important for startups in spite of the inherent challenges.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Design for Emotion to Increase User Engagement

By Miklos Philips

When done well, emotional design increases engagement and can elicit an emotion that will deliver a positive response in users.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

10 Videos All Designers Should Watch

By Bree Chapin

From the great industrial designer Dieter Rams explaining his principle of design to Adam Grant discussing the habits of original thinkers, we’ve curated a list of our favorite design videos.

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