Designer Life

Showing 36-39 of 39 results


Creativity Exercises to Boost Your Designs

Here are a few exercises that can help get your creative juices flowing, whether you’re trying to get started on a new project or find yourself stuck in a creative rut.

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Bree Chapin

Bree Chapin

Bree’s a passionate designer and problem-solver with 10+ years experience in product and UXUI design for web and native mobile applications.

Design Process: Is It Objective or Subjective?

The relationship between art and design is often misunderstood, and although a design outcome can be artful, the process behind it is altogether very different.

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Bronwen Rees

Bronwen Rees

Bronwen is a designer from London with experience in both brand and digital design. Her passion lies in learning and evolving her skills.

10 Videos All Designers Should Watch

From the great industrial designer Dieter Rams explaining his principle of design to Adam Grant discussing the habits of original thinkers, we’ve curated a list of our favorite design videos.

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Bree Chapin

Bree Chapin

Bree’s a passionate designer and problem-solver with 10+ years experience in product and UXUI design for web and native mobile applications.

Presenting Design Work: The Right Way

The difference between getting the job or not often comes down to how design work is presented. Even great designers can miss opportunities because their portfolio isn’t up to snuff.

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Danielle Reid

Danielle Reid

Danielle has experience as lead product and UX designer at large ad and branding agencies. She is co-founder of several successful startups.

Toptal Design Expert

Paula Barcante

Paula is an award-winning UX/UI designer, advisor, and illustrator with more than six years of hands-on experience in making complex interfaces delightful and user friendly. She has made a significant impact in large corporations, such as Amazon, Zillow, Google, as well as startups. Her mission is to create efficient, beautiful, innovative, and high-quality experiences for the greater good of society.
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