Showing 253-260 of 260 results
DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

How to Conduct Usability Testing in Six Steps

By Jan Roose

User testing is easy and inexpensive and will substantially improve product designs. Insights from observing how people use a digital product are well worth it, as outlined in this six-step process.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

A Rant Against Pretty App Designs

By Miklos Philips

Some designers make the mistake of designing products for their own vanity, focusing on the veneer instead of designing great UX. But designing for usability and delight brings greater benefits.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Anticipatory Design: How to Create Magical User Experiences

By Miklos Philips

Anticipatory design is the UX technique of simplifying processes and responding to user needs one step before they actually express those needs, simplifying user decisions and leading to magical experiences.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Upgrade Your Analytics With These Dashboard Design Inspirations

By Santiago Baigorria

Dashboard analytics are used by engineers, product teams, and executives because they offer valuable insights into the success of digital products. We've collected the web's most impressive examples.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Let’s Redesign Facebook: 10 Inspirations to Get You Started

By Kent Mundle

Facebook is a popular product for designers to redesign, since virtually everyone knows the interface. But that makes it controversial, as most designers have strong opinions on how to improve it.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

The Art of Stealing: How to Become a Master Designer

By Michael Abehsera

Instead of envying other designers’ work, aspiring designers should look at it as the key to success. Copying work is an excellent way for new designers to hone their craft and improve their skills.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Vehicle UIs of the Future Are Going to Be Amazing

By Muwuso Mkochi

The state of automotive UI design is widely criticized for being unintuitive, outdated, and unappealing. As a result, designers speculate about how those UI designs will improve in the near future.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

Everything You Need to Know About UX Sketching

By Nick Vyhouski

UX sketching is a crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect of UX design. It’s a very efficient way of communicating design while allowing designers to iterate multiple ideas before settling on one.

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