10 Kotlin Features to Boost Android Development
Kotlin is a new, expressive, general-purpose programming language powered by the same virtual machine technology that powers Java. Since Kotlin compiles to the JVM bytecode, it can be used side by side with Java, and it does not come with a performance overhead.
In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Ivan Kušt gives us a walkthrough of 10 major features of Kotlin that help avoid boilerplate code and, more importantly, save time.
Kotlin is a new, expressive, general-purpose programming language powered by the same virtual machine technology that powers Java. Since Kotlin compiles to the JVM bytecode, it can be used side by side with Java, and it does not come with a performance overhead.
In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Ivan Kušt gives us a walkthrough of 10 major features of Kotlin that help avoid boilerplate code and, more importantly, save time.
A while ago, Tomasz introduced Kotlin development on Android. To remind you: Kotlin is a new programming language developed by Jetbrains, the company behind one of the most popular Java IDEs, IntelliJ IDEA. Like Java, Kotlin is a general-purpose language. Since it complies to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bytecode, it can be used side-by-side with Java, and it doesn’t come with a performance overhead.
In this article, I will cover the top 10 useful features to boost your Android development.
Note: at the time of writing this article, actual versions were Android Studio 2.1.1. and Kotlin 1.0.2.
Kotlin Setup
Since Kotlin is developed by JetBrains, it is well-supported in both Android Studio and IntelliJ.
The first step is to install Kotlin plugin. After successfully doing so, new actions will be available for converting your Java to Kotlin. Two new options are:
- Create a new Android project and setup Kotlin in the project.
- Add Kotlin support to an existing Android project.
To learn how to create a new Android project, check the official step by step guide. To add Kotlin support to a newly created or an existing project, open the find action dialog using Command + Shift + A
on Mac or Ctrl + Shift + A
on Windows/Linux, and invoke the Configure Kotlin in Project
To create a new Kotlin class, select:
>Kotlin file/class
, or -
>Kotlin activity
Alternatively, you can create a Java class and convert it to Kotlin using the action mentioned above. Remember, you can use it to convert any class, interface, enum or annotation, and this can be used to compare Java easily to Kotlin code.
Another useful element that saves a lot of typing are Kotlin extensions. To use them you have to apply another plugin in your module build.gradle
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'
Caveat: if you are using the Kotlin plugin action to set up your project, it will put the following code in your top level build.gradle
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.0.2'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
This will cause the extension not to work. To fix that, simply copy that code to each of the project modules in which you wish to use Kotlin.
If you setup everything correctly, you should be able to run and test your application the same way you would in a standard Android project, but now using Kotlin.
Saving Time with Kotlin
So, let’s start with describing some key aspects of Kotlin language and by providing tips on how you can save time by using it instead of Java.
Feature #1: Static Layout Import
One of the most common boilerplate codes in Android is using the findViewById()
function to obtain references to your views in Activities or Fragments.
There are solutions, such as the Butterknife library, that save some typing, but Kotlin takes this another step by allowing you to import all references to views from the layout with one import.
For example, consider the following activity XML layout:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
And the accompanying activity code:
package co.ikust.kotlintest
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity
import android.os.Bundle
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.*
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
helloWorldTextView.text = "Hello World!"
To get the references for all the views in the layout with a defined ID, use the Android Kotlin extension Anko. Remember to type in this import statement:
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.*
Note you don’t need to write semicolons at the end of the lines in Kotlin because they are optional.
The TextView
from layout is imported as a TextView
instance with the name equal to the ID of the view. Don’t be confused by the syntax, which is used to set the label:
helloWorldTextView.text = "Hello World!"
We will cover that shortly.
- Make sure you import the correct layout, otherwise imported View references will have a
value. - When using fragments, make sure imported View references are used after the
function call. Import the layout inonCreateView()
function and use the View references to setup the UI inonViewCreated()
. The references won’t be assigned before theonCreateView()
method has finished.
Feature #2: Writing POJO Classes with Kotlin
Something that will save the most time with Kotlin is writing the POJO (Plain Old Java Object) classes used to hold data. For example, in the request and response body of a RESTful API. In applications that rely on RESTful API, there will be many classes like that.
In Kotlin, much is done for you, and the syntax is concise. For example, consider the following class in Java:
public class User {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
When working with Kotlin, you don’t have to write public keyword again. By default, everything is of public scope. For example, if you want to declare a class, you simply write:
class MyClass {
The equivalent of the Java code above in Kotlin:
class User {
var firstName: String? = null
var lastName: String? = null
Well, that saves a lot of typing, doesn’t it? Let’s walk through the Kotlin code.
When defining variables in Kotlin, there are two options:
- Mutable variables, defined by
keyword. - Immutable variables, defined by
The next thing to note is the syntax differs a bit from Java; first, you declare the variable name and then follow with type. Also, by default, properties are non-null types, meaning that they can’t accept null
value. To define a variable to accept a null
value, a question mark must be added after the type. We will talk about this and null-safety in Kotlin later.
Another important thing to note is that Kotlin doesn’t have the ability to declare fields for the class; only properties can be defined. So, in this case, firstName
and lastName
are properties that have been assigned default getter/setter methods. As mentioned, in Kotlin, they are both public by default.
Custom accessors can be written, for example:
class User {
var firstName: String? = null
var lastName: String? = null
val fullName: String?
get() firstName + " " + lastName
From the outside, when it comes to syntax, properties behave like public fields in Java:
val userName = user.firstName
user.firstName = "John"
Note that the new property fullName
is read only (defined by val
keyword) and has a custom getter; it simply appends first and last name.
All properties in Kotlin must be assigned when declared or are in a constructor. There are some cases when that isn’t convenient; for example, for properties that will be initialized via dependency injection. In that case, a lateinit
modifier can be used. Here is an example:
class MyClass {
lateinit var firstName : String;
fun inject() {
firstName = "John";
More details about properties can be found in the official documentation.
Feature #3: Class Inheritance and Constructors
Kotlin has a more concise syntax when it comes to constructors, as well.
Kotlin classes have a primary constructor and one or more secondary constructors. An example of defining a primary constructor:
class User constructor(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
The primary constructor goes after the class name in the class definition. If the primary constructor doesn’t have any annotations or visibility modifiers, the constructor keyword can be omitted:
class Person(firstName: String) {
Note that a primary constructor cannot have any code; any initialization must be done in the init
code block:
class Person(firstName: String) {
init {
//perform primary constructor initialization here
Furthermore, a primary constructor can be used to define and initialize properties:
class User(var firstName: String, var lastName: String) {
// ...
Just like regular ones, properties defined from a primary constructor can be immutable (val
) or mutable (var
Classes may have secondary constructors as well; the syntax for defining one is as follows:
class User(var firstName: String, var lastName) {
constructor(name: String, parent: Person) : this(name) {
Note that every secondary constructor must delegate to a primary constructor. This is similar to Java, which uses this
class User(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) {
constructor(firstName: String) : this(firstName, "") {
When instantiating classes, note that Kotlin doesn’t have new
keywords, as does Java. To instantiate the aforementioned User
class, use:
val user = User("John", "Doe)
Introducing Inheritance
In Kotlin, all classes extend from Any
, which is similar to Object
in Java. By default, classes are closed, like final classes in Java. So, in order to extend a class, it has to be declared as open
or abstract
open class User(val firstName, val lastName)
class Administrator(val firstName, val lastName) : User(firstName, lastName)
Note that you have to delegate to the default constructor of the extended class, which is similar to calling super()
method in the constructor of a new class in Java.
For more details about classes, check the official documentation.
Feature #4: Lambda Expressions
Lambda expressions, introduced with Java 8, are one its favorite features. However, things are not so bright on Android, as it still only supports Java 7, and looks like Java 8 won’t be supported anytime soon. So, workarounds, such as Retrolambda, bring lambda expressions to Android.
With Kotlin, no additional libraries or workarounds are required.
Functions in Kotlin
Let’s start by quickly going over the function syntax in Kotlin:
fun add(x: Int, y: Int) : Int {
return x + y
The return value of the function can be omitted, and in that case, the function will return Int
. It’s worth repeating that everything in Kotlin is an object, extended from Any
, and there are no primitive types.
An argument of the function can have a default value, for example:
fun add(x: Int, y: Int = 1) : Int {
return x + y;
In that case, the add()
function can be invoked by passing only the x
argument. The equivalent Java code would be:
int add(int x) {
Return add(x, 1);
int add(int x, int y) {
return x + y;
Another nice thing when calling a function is that named arguments can be used. For example:
add(y = 12, x = 5)
For more details about functions, check the official documentation.
Using Lambda Expressions in Kotlin
Lambda expressions in Kotlin can be viewed as anonymous functions in Java, but with a more concise syntax. As an example, let’s show how to implement click listener in Java and Kotlin.
In Java:
view.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "Clicked on view", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
In Kotlin:
view.setOnClickListener({ view -> toast("Click") })
Wow! Just one line of code! We can see that the lambda expression is surrounded by curly braces. Parameters are declared first, and the body goes after the ->
sign. With click listener, type for the view parameter isn’t specified since it can be inferred. The body is simply a call to toast()
function for showing toast, which Kotlin provides.
Also, if parameters aren’t used, we can leave them out:
view.setOnClickListener({ toast("Click") })
Kotlin has optimized Java libraries, and any function that receives an interface with one method for an argument can be called with a function argument (instead of Interface).
Furthermore, if the function is the last parameter, it can be moved out of the parentheses:
view.setOnClickListener() { toast("Click") }
Finally, if the function has only one parameter that is a function, parentheses can be left out:
view.setOnClickListener { toast("Click") }
For more information, check Kotlin for Android developers book by Antonio Leiva and the official documentation.
Extension Functions
Kotlin, similar to C#, provides the ability to extend existing classes with new functionality by using extension functions. For example, an extension method that would calculate the MD5 hash of a String
fun String.md5(): ByteArray {
val digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
return digester.digest()
Note that the function name is preceded by the name of the extended class (in this case, String
), and that the instance of the extended class is available via this
Extension functions are the equivalent of Java utility functions. The example function in Java would look like:
public static int toNumber(String instance) {
return Integer.valueOf(instance);
The example function must be placed in a Utility class. What that means is that extension functions don’t modify the original extended class, but are a convenient way of writing utility methods.
Feature #5: Null-safety
One of the things you hustle the most in Java is probably NullPointerException
. Null-safety is a feature that has been integrated into the Kotlin language and is so implicit you usually won’t have to worry about. The official documentation states that the only possible causes of NullPointerExceptions
- An explicit call to throw
. - Using the
operator (which I will explain later). - External Java code.
- If the
property is accessed in the constructor before it is initialized, anUninitializedPropertyAccessException
will be thrown.
By default, all variables and properties in Kotlin are considered non-null
(unable to hold a null
value) if they are not explicitly declared as nullable. As already mentioned, to define a variable to accept a null
value, a question mark must be added after the type. For example:
val number: Int? = null
However, note that the following code won’t compile:
val number: Int? = null
This is because the compiler performs null
checks. To compile, a null
check must be added:
val number: Int? = null
if(number != null) {
This code will compile successfully. What Kotlin does in the background, in this case, is that number
becomes nun-null
instead of Int?
) inside the if block.
The null
check can be simplified using safe call operator (?.
val number: Int? = null
The second line will be executed only if the number is not null
. You can even use the famous Elvis operator (?:
val number Int? = null
val stringNumber = number?.toString() ?: "Number is null"
If the expression on the left of ?:
is not null
, it is evaluated and returned. Otherwise, the result of the expression on the right is returned. Another neat thing is that you can use throw
or return
on the right-hand side of the Elvis operator since they are expressions in Kotlin. For example:
fun sendMailToUser(user: User) {
val email = user?.email ?: throw new IllegalArgumentException("User email is null")
The !! Operator
If you want a NullPointerException
thrown the same way as in Java, you can do that with the !!
operator. The following code will throw a NullPointerException
val number: Int? = null
Casting in done by using an as
val x: String = y as String
This is considered “Unsafe” casting, as it will throw ClassCastException
if the cast is not possible, as Java does. There is a “Safe” cast operator that returns the null
value instead of throwing an exception:
val x: String = y as? String
For more details on casting, check the Type Casts and Casts section of the official documentation, and for more details on null
safety check the Null-Safety section.
There is a case in which using lateinit
properties can cause an exception similar to NullPointerException
. Consider the following class:
class InitTest {
lateinit var s: String;
init {
val len = this.s.length
This code will compile without warning. However, as soon as an instance of TestClass
is created, an UninitializedPropertyAccessException
will be thrown because property s
is accessed before it is initialized.
Feature #6: Function with()
Function with()
is useful and comes with the Kotlin standard library. It can be used to save some typing if you need to access many properties of an object. For example:
with(helloWorldTextView) {
text = "Hello World!"
visibility = View.VISIBLE
It receives an object and an extension function as parameters. The code block (in the curly braces) is a lambda expression for the extension function of the object specified as the first parameter.
Feature #7: Operator Overloading
With Kotlin, custom implementations can be provided for a predefined set of operators. To implement an operator, a member function or an extension function with the given name must be provided.
For example, to implement the multiplication operator, a member function or extension function, with the name times(argument)
, must be provided:
operator fun String.times(b: Int): String {
val buffer = StringBuffer()
for (i in 1..b) {
return buffer.toString()
The example above shows an implementation of binary *
operator on the String
. For example, the following expression will assign value “TestTestTestTest” to a newString
val newString = "Test" * 4
Since extension functions can be used, it means the default behavior of the operators for all the objects can be changed. This is a double-edged sword and should be used with caution. For a list of function names for all operators that can be overloaded, check the official documentation.
Another big difference compared to Java are ==
and !=
operators. Operator ==
translates to:
a?.equals(b) ?: b === null
While operator !=
translates to:
!(a?.equals(b) ?:
What that means, is that using ==
doesn’t make an identity check as in Java (compare if instances of an object are the same), but behaves the same way as equals()
method along with null
To perform identity check, operators ===
and !==
must be used in Kotlin.
Feature #8: Delegated Properties
Certain properties share some common behaviors. For instance:
- Lazy-initialized properties that are initialized upon first access.
- Properties that implement Observable in Observer pattern.
- Properties that are stored in a map instead as separate fields.
To make cases like this easier to implement, Kotlin supports Delegated Properties:
class SomeClass {
var p: String by Delegate()
This means that getter and setter functions for the property p
are handled by an instance of another class, Delegate
An example of a delegate for the String
class Delegate {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
return "$thisRef, thank you for delegating '${property.name}' to me!"
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {
println("$value has been assigned to '${property.name} in $thisRef.'")
The example above prints a message when a property is assigned or read.
Delegates can be created for both mutable (var
) and read-only (val
) properties.
For a read-only property, getValue
method must be implemented. It takes two parameters (taken from the offical documentation):
- receiver - must be the same or a supertype of the property owner (for extension properties, it is the type being extended).
- metadata - must be of type
or its supertype.
This function must return the same type as property, or its subtype.
For a mutable property, a delegate has to provide additionally a function named setValue
that takes the following parameters:
- receiver - same as for
. - metadata - same as for
. - new value - must be of the same type as a property or its supertype.
There are a few standard delegates that come with Kotlin that cover the most common situations:
- Lazy
- Observable
- Vetoable
Lazy is a standard delegate that takes a lambda expression as a parameter. The lambda expression passed is executed the first time getValue()
method is called.
By default, the evaluation of lazy properties is synchronized. If you are not concerned with multi-threading, you can use lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) { … }
to get extra performance.
The Delegates.observable()
is for properties that should behave as Observables in Observer pattern. It accepts two parameters, the initial value and a function that has three arguments (property, old value, and new value).
The given lambda expression will be executed every time setValue()
method is called:
class User {
var email: String by Delegates.observable("") {
prop, old, new ->
//handle the change from old to new value
This standard delegate is a special kind of Observable that lets you decide whether a new value assigned to a property will be stored or not. It can be used to check some conditions before assigning a value. As with Delegates.observable()
, it accepts two parameters: the initial value, and a function.
The difference is that the function returns a Boolean value. If it returns true
, the new value assigned to the property will be stored, or otherwise discarded.
var positiveNumber = Delegates.vetoable(0) {
d, old, new ->
new >= 0
The given example will store only positive numbers that are assigned to the property.
For more details, check the official documentation.
Feature #9: Mapping an Object to a Map
A common use case is to store values of the properties inside a map. This often happens in applications that work with RESTful APIs and parses JSON objects. In this case, a map instance can be used as a delegate for a delegated property. An example from the official documentation:
class User(val map: Map<String, Any?>) {
val name: String by map
val age: Int by map
In this example, User
has a primary constructor that takes a map. The two properties will take the values from the map that are mapped under keys that are equal to property names:
val user = User(mapOf(
"name" to "John Doe",
"age" to 25
The name property of the new user instance will be assigned the value of “John Doe” and age property the value 25.
This works for var properties in combination with MutableMap
as well:
class MutableUser(val map: MutableMap<String, Any?>) {
var name: String by map
var age: Int by map
Feature #10: Collections and Functional Operations
With the support for lambdas in Kotlin, collections can be leveraged to a new level.
First of all, Kotlin distinguishes between mutable and immutable collections. For example, there are two versions of Iterable interface:
- Iterable
- MutableIterable
The same goes for Collection, List, Set and Map interfaces.
For example, this any
operation returns true
if at least one element matches the given predicate:
val list = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
assertTrue(list.any { it % 2 == 0 })
For an extensive list of functional operations that can be done on collections, check this blog post.
We have just scratched the surface of what Kotlin offers. For those interested in further reading and learning more, check:
- Antonio Leiva’s Kotlin blog posts and book.
- Official documentation and tutorials from JetBrains.
To sum up, Kotlin offers you the ability to save time when writing native Android applications by using an intuitive and concise syntax. It is still a young programming language, but in my opinion, it is now stable enough to be used for building production apps.
The benefits of using Kotlin:
- Support by Android Studio is seamless and excellent.
- It is easy to convert an existing Java project to Kotlin.
- Java and Kotlin code may coexist in the same project.
- There is no speed overhead in the application.
The downsides:
- Kotlin will add its libraries to the generated
, so the final.apk
size will be about 300KB larger. - If abused, operator overloading can lead to unreadable code.
- IDE and Autocomplete behaves a little slower when working with Kotlin than it does with pure Java Android projects.
- Compilation times can be a bit longer.
Further Reading on the Toptal Blog:
Ivan Kušt
Zagreb, Croatia
Member since April 14, 2016
About the author
Ivan is a mobile enthusiast who has perfected the development process and architecture of mobile apps.