Showing 73-81 of 260 results
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Accessible Design vs. Inclusive Design (With Infographic)

By Cameron Chapman

Stepping away from preconceived notions about “typical” users through an inclusive design process allows designers to create digital products that are user-friendly to the widest range of people.

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A Guide to Effective User Onboarding Best Practices

By Cameron Chapman

User onboarding best practices help designers create an onboarding experience that works well from the start. Knowing which onboarding pattern works best for each type of app puts designers ahead.

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Pixels of Influence: Breaking Down Persuasive Design Principles

By Michael Craig

There’s a lot for people to consider when making decisions. Used properly, persuasive design principles are a powerful tool for building meaningful products that help people make better decisions.

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Solutions, Not Art – The True Business Value of Design

By Andres Esquivel

Designers who focus on the business value of design will make themselves more indispensable to companies because businesses aren’t buying design; they are buying outcomes.

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A Design License Is Not the Answer

By Cameron Chapman

Design decisions can be complex, with potential legal and ethical ramifications. Designers have a responsibility to produce work that will not harm others, but is design licensing the best solution?

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Why Use Material Design? Weighing the Pros and Cons

By Cameron Chapman

Google’s Material Design guidelines have become the signature look of their websites and apps. Still, there are plenty of use cases outside of Google’s platforms where Material Design is also a solid choice.

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Safe by Design: An Overview of UX Security

By Mayank Sharma

Interface designers: A disregard for UX security places users at risk—financially, professionally, and emotionally. Learn why security is a crucial aspect of interface design.

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UI Trends 2020: What's in Store?

By Olha Bahaieva

The best UI trends are visually appealing while improving the usefulness and overall UX of a digital product. 2019 introduced some amazing UI design trends that will continue to be seen through 2020.

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Machine Language: A Guide to Chatbot Terminology (With Infographic)

By Micah Bowers

Chatbots have unique abilities that humans don’t. When we regard them as tools, they provide business opportunities humans can’t. Unfortunately, when it comes to chatbot terminology, confusion reigns.

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