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Toptal's Quick and Practical JavaScript Cheat Sheet: ES6 and Beyond

Software engineers are always searching for the best tools and guides to help them be more productive and allow them to spend less time reading long technical specifications.

Today, Toptal is pleased to present a new resource to the community: the JavaScript Cheat Sheet - ES6 and Beyond. Toptal’s JavaScript Cheat Sheet is a quick, easily understandable reference guide. It is free to download and includes all the new and exciting features introduced with ES6 as well as the future experimental features from ES7.

Toptalauthors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.

Software engineers are always searching for the best tools and guides to help them be more productive and allow them to spend less time reading long technical specifications.

Today, Toptal is pleased to present a new resource to the community: the JavaScript Cheat Sheet - ES6 and Beyond. Toptal’s JavaScript Cheat Sheet is a quick, easily understandable reference guide. It is free to download and includes all the new and exciting features introduced with ES6 as well as the future experimental features from ES7.

Toptalauthors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
Jesus Dario
Verified Expert in Engineering
8 Years of Experience

Jesus is a co-founder of He has two years of experience as a full-stack developer as well as a year of experience as CTO.



ECMAScript 6 (ES6) is the latest standard specification of JavaScript, the programming language of the Web. Since HTML5 and the birth of Node.js, the runtime that allows us to run JavaScript on the server or desktop, JavaScript has gained a unique momentum. There is a growing adoption rate among enterprises, embracing it into production, and thus its newest features were greatly awaited.

We created this cheat sheet as a list of ES6 features we use everyday. Trying to be comprehensive but concise at the same time, new API methods are left apart. For those who need them, make a quick search by yourself or try to explore the MDN documentation to catch the latest experimental APIs. However, some the most bleeding edge characteristics like async and await from the next specification draft (ES7) are included. This is because of most of us developers are going to use a transpiler like Babel anyway to get advantage of the newest JavaScript.

You can test out some of the mentioned tips by running the node REPL with this command:

node --use-strict $(node --v8-options | grep harm | awk '{print $1}' | xargs) #ES6

Or, use directly a babel-node to get the most of Javascript in your console.

Download JavaScript ES6 Cheat Sheet

Click Here To Download JavaScript ES6 Cheat Sheet

JavaScript (ES6 and Beyond) Cheat Sheet


let vs var

> const EULER = 2.7182818284
> EULER = 13
> 2.7182818284

> var average = 5
> var average = (average + 1) / 2
> average
> 3
> let value = ‘hello world’
> let value = ‘what is new’
// -> throws TypeError: Identifier 'value' has already been declared

Warning! If array or object, the reference is kept constant. If the constant is a reference to an object, you can still modify the content, but never change the variable.

> const CONSTANTS = []
> [ 2.7182818284 ]
> CONSTANTS = { ‘euler’: 2.7182818284 }
> [ 2.7182818284 ]

Be aware of Temporal Dead Zones:

> console.log(val) // -> 'undefined'
> var val = 3
> console.log(val)
 // -> 3

Because it's equivalent to:

Binary, Octal and Hex Notation

> var val
> console.log(val)
> val = 3
> console.log(val)

> 0b1001011101 // 605
> 0o6745 // 3557
> 0x2f50a // 193802

Variables declared with "let/const" do not get hoisted:

New Types

> console.log(val)
// -> Throws ReferenceError
> let val = 3
> console.log(val)
// -> 3

Symbols, Maps, WeakMaps and Sets

Arrow Function

New Scoped Functions

> setTimeout(() => {
…  console.log(‘delayed’)
… }, 1000)

> {
… let cue = 'Luke, I am your father'
… }
> 'Luke, I am your father'

Equivalent with Anonymous Function

Equivalent with Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)

> setTimeout(function () {
…   console.log(‘delayed’)
… }.bind(this), 1000)

> (function () {
… var cue = 'Luke, I am your father'
… console.log(cue) // 'Luke, I am –
… }())
> console.log(cue)
// Reference Error

Object Notation Novelties

String Interpolation, Thanks to Template Literals

// Computed properties
> let key = new Date().getTime()
> let obj = {  [key]: “value” }
> obj
> { '1459958882881': 'value' }

// Object literals
balloon = { color, size };

// Same as
balloon = {
  color: color,
  size: size


// Better method notations
obj = {
   foo (a, b) { … },
   bar (x, y) { … }

> const name = 'Tiger'
> const age = 13
console.log(`My cat is named ${name} and is ${age} years old.`)
> My cat is named Tiger and is 13 years old.

// We can preserve newlines…
let text = ( `cat

Default Params

> function howAreYou (answer = ‘ok’) {      
 console.log(answer) // probably ‘ok’


Classes, Inheritance, Setters, Getters

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  request.get(url, (error, response,  
  body) => {
    if (body) {
      } else {
}).then(() => { ... })
.catch((err) => throw err)

// Parallelize tasks
   promise1, promise2, promise3
]).then(() => {
   // all tasks are finished

class Rectangle extends Shape {
  constructor (id, x, y, w, h) {
    super(id, x, y)
    this.width = w
    this.height = h
  // Getter and setter
  set width (w) { this._width = w }
  get width () { return this._width }

class Circle extends Shape {
  constructor (id, x, y, radius) {
    super(id, x, y)
    this.radius = radius
  do_a(x) {
    let a = 12;
    super.do_a(x + a);
  static do_b() { ... }

Destructuring Arrays

Destructuring Objects

> let [a, b, c, d] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
> console.log(a);

> 1
> b
> 2

> let luke = {  occupation: 'jedi',
 father: 'anakin' }
> let {occupation, father} = luke
> console.log(occupation, father)

> jedi anakin

Spread Operator

...Go Destructuring Like a Boss

// Turn arrays into comma separated
// values and more
> function logger (...args) {
 console.log(‘%s arguments’,
 // arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]

> const [ cat, dog, ] = [
‘schroedinger’,  ‘Laika’, ‘Nemo’, ‘Dori’]
> fish // -> [‘Nemo’, ‘Dori’]

Or Do a Better Push

...And Destructuring in the Future    ⚠ ES7

> let arr = [1, 2, 3]
> [...arr, 4, 5, 6]
> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

{a, b,} = {a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4}

Async   ⚠ ES7

Await   ⚠ ES7

async function schrodinger () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)
  => {
   const result = Math.random > 0.5
   setTimeout(() => {
     return result ? resolve(‘alive’)
     : reject(‘dead’)

try {
   console.log(await schrodinger())
   // -> ‘alive’
} catch (err) {
   // -> ‘dead’

Export   ⚠ ES7

Importing   ⚠ ES7

export function sumTwo (a, b) {
   return a + b;
export const EULER = 2.7182818284
let stuff = { sumTwo, EULER }
export { stuff as default }

import React from ‘react’
import { EULER } from ‘./myexports’
import * as stuff from ‘./myexports’
// equivalent to
import stuff from ‘./myexports’
// { sumTwo, EULER }


They return a objects that implement an iteration protocol. i.e. it has a next() method that returns { value: < some value>, done: <true or false> }.

function* incRand (max) { // Asterisk defines this as a generator
 while (true) {
   // Pause execution after the yield, resume

    // when next(<something>) is called
   // and assign <something> to x
   let x = yield Math.floor(Math.random() * max + 1);
   max += x;

> var rng = incRand(2) // Returns a generator object
> // { value: <between 1 and 2>, done: false }
> // as above, but between 1 and 5
> // NaN since 5 + undefined results in NaN
> // No one expected NaN again?

> rng.throw(new Error('Unrecoverable generator state.'))
// Will be thrown from yield

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Jesus Dario

Jesus Dario

Verified Expert in Engineering
8 Years of Experience

Seville, Spain

Member since October 29, 2015

About the author

Jesus is a co-founder of He has two years of experience as a full-stack developer as well as a year of experience as CTO.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


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