Showing 73-81 of 184 results
DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

What Is Strategic Design Thinking and How Can It Empower Designers?

By Kent Mundle

Designers are not mere pixel pushers. If they improved communication and employed their skills more effectively through strategic design thinking, they could make a bigger impact with their work.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

How to Structure an Effective Typographic Hierarchy

By Cameron Chapman

Since designers work with so much text-based content, creating an effective typographic hierarchy—one that clearly shows what information is most important—is a vital skill for designers to master.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

How to Leverage Thematic Analysis for Better UX

By Shane Ketterman

Thematic analysis, an approach used to analyze qualitative data, is central to credible research and can be used to improve UX design by uncovering user needs, motivations, and behaviors.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Words and Actions: A Guide to Microcopy

By Milan Jovanovic

Without interface copy, there’d be UX chaos on a global scale. Thankfully, we can use words whenever we want, but how do we use them well? These easy-to-use principles lead to convincing microcopy.

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DesignIcon ChevronTools and Tutorials

Pinterest for Designers – An Overview

By Cameron Chapman

When it comes to social media for designers, the first site that comes to mind is Instagram. But designers shouldn’t overlook the second-most-popular image-based social network: Pinterest.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Form and Function: A Guide to the Top Wireframe Tools

By Shane Ketterman

Wireframes at various fidelities are an important deliverable that facilitate the UX design process as it moves through its phases. This guide provides an overview of the top tools most designers use.

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DesignIcon ChevronUI Design

Approaching the Website Design Process From the Browser

By Lucijan Blagonic

Some designers are bypassing traditional design tools, going straight to code, building and adjusting designs in-browser, and testing their designs as they would appear to people in real-time.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Age Before Beauty – A Guide to Interface Design for Older Adults

By Sergey Polyuk

As people age, there are certain physiological and cognitive changes that are almost inevitable. Designers need to understand these changes to effectively master interface design for older adults.

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DesignIcon ChevronUX Design

Exploring Multimodal Design–An Adobe XD Tutorial

By Frederik Goossens

Design tools like Adobe XD can be used by designers to prototype multimodal designs that improve the user experience through interaction mechanisms such as voice, touch, and haptic feedback.

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