Showing 64-72 of 184 results
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Built to Convert–Landing Page Design Best Practices

By Cameron Chapman

Designers can create landing pages that convert better by following landing page design best practices such as keeping them simple, focusing on the CTA, keeping forms short, and other guidelines.

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The Future of UX Is Our Humanity

By Brian Pagán, EngD, MSc

The future of UX lies in the ability of UX professionals to work at the intersection of technology while also mastering the craft of important human-centered design techniques.

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Maximalist Design and the Problem with Minimalism

By Danae Botha

We live in an era that exalts minimalist design above all other forms of creative expression, especially maximalism. But what is the cost of our obsession with graphic simplicity?

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Web Animation in the Post-Flash Era

By Ana Gregurec

Modern web animation technology has matured significantly. However, designers should tread carefully and only add animation to a website if it meaningfully enhances the user experience.

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Subject Line: How to Approach Email Design

By Cameron Chapman

Email design is an important area of expertise for designers, especially those who want to work with larger brands, creative companies, and others who shy away from ready-made templates.

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Improve Engagement With These SaaS UX Design Best Practices

By Jeremy Schweitzer

SaaS apps are among the most complex software written, but there are UX principles that can make any SaaS product a success. Learn to reduce churn and engage users with UX best practices for SaaS.

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Why Small Words Matter: The Importance of Microcopy UX

By Chintan Bhatt

Small words matter. Effective UX microcopy can help UX designers create digital products that are more useful, engaging, and simple to use. Here are several examples of good (and bad) microcopy.

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Mini Tutorial: A Guide to Font Combinations

By Cameron Chapman

Effective font combinations are a hallmark of good design. It’s vital that designers master this skill if they want to create exceptional designs that set them apart from their contemporaries.

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Aesthetics and Perception: How to Approach User Experience Imagery

By Rian Dutra

Once designers better understand how people’s minds work with imagery, they are able to create better products that really make sense in a person’s life, while positively affecting the business itself.

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