Search results for "node"

Showing 1-11 of 257 results

Maximum Flow and the Linear Assignment Problem

The Hungarian graph algorithm solves the linear assignment problem in polynomial time. By modeling resources (e.g., contractors and available contracts) as a graph, the Hungarian algorithm can be used to efficiently determine an optimum way of allocating resources.

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Dmitri Ivanovich Arkhipov

Dmitri Ivanovich Arkhipov

Write Code to Rewrite Your Code: jscodeshift

How many times have you used the find-and-replace functionality (or RegEx) across a directory to make changes to JavaScript source files? Up your refactoring game by using codemods, scripts used to rewrite other scripts.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Developer Jeremy Greer walks us through three common uses of codemods, using the toolkit “jscodeshift.”

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Jeremy Greer

Jeremy Greer

Graph Data Science With Python/NetworkX

Data inundates us like never before—how can we hope to analyze it? Graphs (networks, not bar graphs) provide an elegant approach. Find out how to start with the Python NetworkX library to describe, visualize, and analyze “graph theory” datasets.

9 minute readContinue Reading
Federico Albanese

Federico Albanese

Programming Visually with Node-RED: Wiring Up the Internet of Things with Ease

Node-RED, built on Node.js, is a tool designed for programming visually without having to write any code. It comes equipped with a browser-based flow editor that allows hardware devices and APIs to be connected with each other easily, making it an ideal tool for rapidly developing programs for IoT devices.

In this article, Toptal freelance software engineer Jesús Darío Rivera walks us through the process of building a simple program using Node-RED and Netbeast along with a virtual light bulb plugin that mimics the capabilities of a real smart bulb.

13 minute readContinue Reading
Jesus Dario

Jesus Dario

Unity AI Development: An xNode-based Graphical FSM Tutorial

Take your Unity AI game to the next level with xNode. In this tutorial, we boost our FSM-based AI with a graphical user interface, delivering an enhanced development environment.

13 minute readContinue Reading
Garegin Tadevosyan

Garegin Tadevosyan

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Why the Hell Would I Use Node.js? A Case-by-case Tutorial

Node.js shines in real-time web apps that employ push technology over WebSocket. Node’s real-time, two-way connections—where the client and server can each initiate communication—enable the freer exchange of data.

13 minute readContinue Reading
Tomislav Capan

Tomislav Capan

Is It Time to Use Node 8?

Node 8 has brought significant performance and feature upgrades. Should you use it on new projects? Is it worth upgrading existing codebases? In this article, Toptal Freelance JavaScript Developer Youssef Sherif gives a tour of Node 8’s biggest changes and what they mean for your project.

13 minute readContinue Reading
Yoosif Sherif

Yoosif Sherif

Creating a Cryptocurrency in the Crystal Programming Language

Crystal is an up and coming programming language that should appeal to Ruby veterans in demand for more performance and flexibility. It may even be the most promising programming language of 2018.

In this tutorial, Toptal Ruby Developer Eqbal Quran demonstrates how you can harness Crystal’s potential to create your own blockchain and cryptocurrency.

22 minute readContinue Reading
Eqbal Quran

Eqbal Quran

Ramping up Software Deployment - A Docker Swarm Tutorial

Docker itself has been around for years and is composed of many inter-operating pieces. One of them is Docker Swarm, which allows you to declare your applications as stacks of services and let Docker handle the rest.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Leah Sapan explains how to use Docker Swarm to deploy your own self-managing stack, followed by a quick example.

15 minute readContinue Reading
Leah Sapan

Leah Sapan

NodeOS: The JavaScript Based Operating System

An operating system written in Node.js? Yes, it exists, and it’s called NodeOS. Think for a second about the progress Node.js has made in the short time it’s been around. Now, imagine the same thing happening with an operating system.

In this article, Toptal engineer Danny Morabito introduces us to NodeOS, guiding us with a step-by-step tutorial on how to create our first NodeOS application using nothing more than Node.js.

8 minute readContinue Reading
Danny Morabito

Danny Morabito

The Definitive Guide to NoSQL Databases

Limited SQL scalability has prompted the industry to develop and deploy a number of NoSQL database management systems, with a focus on performance, reliability, and consistency. The trend was driven by proprietary NoSQL databases developed by Google and Amazon. Eventually, open-source systems like MongoDB, Cassandra, and Hypertable brought NoSQL within reach of everyone.

In this post, Senior Software Engineer Mohamad Altarade dives into some of them and explains why NoSQL will probably be with us for years to come.

16 minute readContinue Reading
Mohammad Altarade

Mohammad Altarade

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