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WordPress REST API: The Next-generation CMS Feature

For a while, WordPress seemed to had fallen behind. As the web became more reliant on JavaScript to create immersive, interactive experiences, it became increasingly clear that WordPress needed to offer new ways for users and developers to interact with its content.

In this post, Toptal Freelance Developer Brian Coords explores the amazing new features of WordPress’s REST API, showing why WordPress is still on the cutting edge of web development.

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Brian Coords

Brian Coords

Brian loves solving problems with WordPress. In his previous career, he was a high school and college English teacher.

Unlimited Scale and Free Web Hosting with GitHub Pages and Cloudflare

Whether you’re a bootstrapped startup that needs a brochureware website or a corporation that needs a high-performing web app, this post is for you. In it, Toptal Software Engineer Amin Shah Gilani teaches you how to setup a static, SSL-secure website for the very low cost of free, using Github Pages and Cloudflare.

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Amin Shah Gilani

Amin Shah Gilani

Amin is a developer and entrepreneur who loves writing clean, test-driven Ruby and ES6 code—crafted for CI/CD.

10 Videos All Designers Should Watch

From the great industrial designer Dieter Rams explaining his principle of design to Adam Grant discussing the habits of original thinkers, we’ve curated a list of our favorite design videos.

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Bree Chapin

Bree Chapin

Bree’s a passionate designer and problem-solver with 10+ years experience in product and UXUI design for web and native mobile applications.

Getting the Most from Equity Research - Lessons from a Former Research Analyst

Equity research provides a very useful function in our current financial markets. Nevertheless, the profession has come under fire in recent years.

In this post, Toptal Finance Expert Ryan Downie details how to utilize research reports more effectively. Additionally, he outlines the equity research’s main value for both sophisticated and retail investors and highlights the pitfalls of this profession, its causes, and how you should evaluate research in order to avoid these issues.

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Ryan Downie

Ryan Downie

Ryan left the hedge fund world to become a startup consultant. He has helped clients raise more than $1.2 million in early-stage capital.

A Step-by-Step Guide to UI Animation With Principle and Sketch

Animated UI elements improve the user experience, but how exactly are they made? These short tutorial videos demonstrate the most effective animation techniques using Principle for Mac.

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Tidjane Tall

Tidjane Tall

Tidjane is a UX/UI design leader who connects users’ needs and goals to deliver strategic solutions for companies like Adobe and Google.

The Advanced Git Guide: Git Stash, Reset, Rebase, and More

Could you be using Git more efficiently?

The answer is probably a resounding “Yes,” which is why Toptal Software Engineer Ursula Clarke wrote today’s post.

In it, she teaches you how to use git stash, git reset, git bisect, git squash, and git rebase for maximum productivity.

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Ursula Clarke

Ursula Clarke

Ursula has over five years of experience in software development and specializes in front-end development, especially intricate UI.

How to Integrate OAuth 2 Into Your Django/DRF Back-end Without Going Insane

So you’ve implemented user authentication. Now, you want to allow your users to log in with Twitter, Facebook, or Google. No problem. You’re only a few lines of code away from doing so.

But while there are hundreds of OAuth 2 packages that pip knows, only a few actually do what they’re supposed to do.

In this article, Toptal Software Engineer Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus explains how to integrate OAuth 2 into your Django or Django Rest Framework using Python Social Auth.

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Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus

Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus

Peter, BSc (with distinction), is a professional Python/Django developer who has also written an exotic processor emulator in Rust.

Freelancer Identity Theft: It Happened to Me—Here's What You Should Know

Freelancer identity theft happens all the time. In fact, someone’s likely had their identity stolen as you read these words. Let’s hope it wasn’t you.

In this post, Toptal Software Engineer Relja Damnjanovic shares his story about freelancer identity theft and offers lessons for freelancers, who don’t want to learn things the hard way.

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Relja Damnjanovic

Relja Damnjanovic

Relja has extensive corporate and freelance experience, and a computer science engineering degree. He’s a certified Magento expert.

Hiring a Startup CFO: When to Hire a CFO and Why You Need One

For young companies, the value of a full-time CFO is hotly contested. At the debate’s core, is the trade-off between the sheer expense of an experienced CFO at such an early stage (not cheap), and the value said individual posits to confer where growth, strategy, fundraising, and operations are concerned.

Borrowing elements from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and adapting them for this purpose, Toptal Finance Expert Scott Brown introduces a unique framework for how startups might go about thinking through and making this decision.

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Scott Brown

Scott Brown

Scott has consulted service and manufacturing businesses on capacity planning, incentive plans, business planning, and rolling forecasts.

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